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Daily Contact Lenses
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Johnson & Johnson Acuvue Oasys 1 Day (30) -4.50

Acuvue Oasys 1-Day (30) contact lensesAcuvue Oasys 1-Day (30) are daily contact lenses from the manufacturer Johnson & Johnson.Acuvue Oasys 1-Day (30) are comfortable and convenient as you do not need to worry about daily cleaning or storage.Acuvue Oasys 1-Day (30) contact lenses are the best choice for people with allergies, because of reduced build-up of pollen and other deposits compared with 1-2 week or monthly lenses. Daily lenses are also ideal for people who are sensitive to cleaning fluidsDaily contact lenses is simply the healthy choice for your eyes because there is no day-to-day accumulation of lens deposits, and no overnight wear.Daily contact lenses are more expensive than 1-2 week or monthly lenses, but the higher cost of the lenses is partially offset by the money you save on lens cleaning solutions, since they won't be needed.MANUFACTURERJohnson & JohnsonLENS MATERIALSenofilcon AOXYGEN TRANSMISSIBILITY (DK/T)121SILICONE HYDROGELYesLENS EXTENDED OR OVERNIGHT WEARNoNUMBER OF LENSES IN THE BOX30LENS UV PROTECTIONYesLENS REPLACEMENT SCHEDULEDailyLENS WATER %38% Additional Base curve 8.5 Diameter 14.3 Replacement schedule Daily Wearing schedule Daily Disposable Acuvue oasys 1 day (30)

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