Genre: Various Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Electronic Arts Pegi: 3+ Players: 1-4
Electronic Arts is set to take you back to your childhood.
No, dont worry, you can put aside lingering fears of Beefy Bob, the lunch money thief. Its rose-tinted nostalgia that EA is gunning for here. In EA Playground, youll wander out into the school yard in search of fun, exploration and friends.
The game lays out a series of challenges aimed at a family audience in a bright and cuddly package. Frankly, its a fair bit cheerier than our collective memory of the schoolyard.
Players make their way through the playground, moving to different areas where theyll find assorted playground games going on – some of them you might have found in your own schoolyard experience.
Players go along, collecting the playgrounds currency of choice – marbles – and trading them for stickers to boost their abilities.
The DS version features dodgeball, hoops basketball, hopscotch, RC Racers cars, racing, nuff said, bug hunt, kicks re-worked footy, skate and sketch dot-connecting skating madness, spitballs blow into the microphone to fire them! and trampoline.
Go on, show Beefy Bob youre not afraid anymore.