Directions: After removing the cap, adults and children, able to use the product autonomously, Tonimer be used in any position. We suggest placing the bowed head from side over the sink and insert the dispenser inside the nostril and squeeze over the distributor for the product outlet. Repeat the same operation on the other nostril. In connection with newborns and toddlers topple the child on the one hand, insert the distributor into a nostril and squeeze. Then I lay him on the other side and repeat the above operation in the other nostril. depues use, clean and dry the distributor and close the container with the corresponding plug. WARNINGS : Pressurised container, protect from sunlight and not expose to temperatures above 50 ° C. Do not pierce or burn, also after use. ACTION AND DESCRIPTION : Solution isotonic sterile seawater, reduced sodium and slightly alkaline pH, particularly suitable for the removal and thinning of mucus from the nostrils in cases of dry mucous membranes and colds.