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Gardena 11140-20 Backpack Compression Sprayer Comfort 12L

The Backpack Sprayer with high carrying comfort for large gardens, fruit trees and vines.
With a filling capacity of up to 12 litres in the tank you are very well equipped with the Backpack Sprayer from GARDENA when it comes to spreading liquids in larger quantities. This makes it ideal for the care of plants such as fruit trees or even vines in larger gardens. The Backpack Sprayer offers you a high degree of carrying comfort, which makes gardening considerably easier. Thanks to the ergonomic shape of the container and the padded carrying straps, it is very comfortable to carry. The Backpack Sprayer is equally suitable for both left and right-handed people. The large opening makes it very easy to fill the container. In addition, the included filter prevents foreign matter from entering the container, keeping the nozzle clean. The spray lance is impressive as well. It can be extended, which increases your spraying radius, so that you can reach leaves that are further away from you. The spray mist works well for watering too.
Max permissible operating temperature : 35 °C
Level indicator : Yes
Spray nozzle : Brass

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