Taraxacum officinale
The herb Dandelion is known for its healing effect in stomach disorders, kidney and liver diseases. Supports weight loss, has antioxidant action and improves immunity.
Dandelion is a strong diuretic, promotes the release of excess fluids from the body. Improves digestion and stimulates appetite. The herb helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is why it is useful in diabetes. It has the property of purifying the blood, reduces cholesterol, relieves muscle spasms. It can be used in kidney and liver diseases, edema, heartburn, stomach upset, skin problems, high blood pressure. Dandelion tones the whole organism.
Method of use:
2 tea spoons of the herb is brewed in 250 ml of water for 30 minutes. Strain and drink. Drink tea 1 time a day.
Dandelion stalk.
Store in a cool, dry place, without direct sunlight.